Donate Financially
Become a Yavapai Food Neighbors Hunger Hero
with a Virtual Green Bag
• Are you unable to leave a Green Bag of food this month?
• Have you donated a Green Bag of food, but you’re looking for another way to help in your community?
• Do you live outside our Green Bag pickup area or live in an apartment/condo community?
The Yavapai Food Neighbors Project operates in collaboration with the Hungry Kids Project which is a collaborative fund of the Arizona Community Foundation of Yavapai County.
What exactly is the Hungry Kids Project?
Hungry kids need your help to become effective learners! The Hungry Kids Project helps to ensure that no child goes to school hungry.
• Weekend meals are distributed, primarily to elementary school students
• All purchases, packing and distribution of food is done by volunteers
• The program is totally confidential
• Most importantly, students have full bellies and are ready to learn!
Fortunately, programs exist that feed children during the school day. But what about on weekends? That’s where the Hungry Kids Project comes in. Working with schools, the Hungry Kids Project sends kids home with food packs of food for the weekend. With adequate nutrition, kids can return to school on Monday well nourished and ready to learn.
How to Donate
Financial donations can be made to:
Arizona Community Foundation of Yavapai County (Please write Hungry Kids on the memo line)
300 E. Willis Street
Prescott, AZ 86301
OR – Make your Virtual Green Bag donation in support of the Hungry Kids Project (AND receive the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit) by visiting and designate your contribution to Hungry Kids Project.